Your generosity enables Friends of Nachusa Grasslands to restore and protect our native prairies, woodlands, and wetlands.
Friends of Nachusa Grasslands utilizes NeonPay, through WorldPay, to process our online donations. NeonPay protects your financial information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems.
The payee will be listed as Friends of Nachusa Grasslands on your credit card statement. An acknowledgment email will be sent to you from within five business days.
Our giving levels listed in our Annual Reports are Supporter – $1 to $1,499; Conservation Champion – $1,500 to $4,999; and Restoration Benefactor – $5,000 or more. Friends of Nachusa Grasslands is a nonprofit registered 501(c)(3) organization. Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
My Donation
Donor Information
Honor or Memory Donations
If your donation is in honor or memory of someone, please complete as much as you know. If you wish to include more information about your honor or memory donation, add it to the "Comments" section near the end of this form.
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Payment Security
Our forms have been slightly updated to ensure that your information continues to be stored securely. You may see a message stating "Taking you to a secure payment page," or "Redirecting you to a secure payment page," which opens a new browser tab. This is expected due to these security updates.
If you are donating from the European Union and are therefore affected by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Friends will contact you via email ( regarding your communication options.